Customer Issue
We’re launching a Microapp in Edge kiosk mode from Task Scheduler and it won't move through the slides. It stays on the first screen. If I just connect and move the mouse, the slideshow starts.
- Microsoft Edge (kiosk mode)
- Microapps
A limitation that we have observed in the past is that launching Edge in kiosk mode does not automatically set the browser as the active window, and therefore content does not auto-transition until a user interacts with it.
Running/scheduling a batch script like the following may be used to ensure the browser is automatically selected as the active window upon launch:
@echo off
start "" "msedge" --kiosk --app=
:: Wait for a few seconds to ensure the window has opened
ping -n 6 > nul
:: Use PowerShell to activate the Microsoft Edge window
powershell -Command "(Get-Process msedge).MainWindowHandle | ForEach-Object { [User32]::ShowWindow($_, 9) }"
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