Note: This is a premium feature or service. This article only applies to your community if your Firstup contract includes this premium functionality. Please contact your Customer Success Manager with any questions about feature availability for your community.
The ADP Application provides employees with Human Resources management software and services, such as paid time off requests, payroll, etc. This app can directly integrate into your Firstup platform.
Users have instant access to ADP tasks or information directly from Firstup via the web or mobile experience. For example, users can submit time off requests directly from the member experience screen without accessing the ADP app.
User Experience
User Access
There are two ways users can access ADP integration directly from the web or mobile experience:
- From the using assistant command center. Click the lightbulb in the bottom corner, then the icon.
- Directly from Shortcuts at the top of the web or mobile experience. The app's title is configurable and may be named differently in your community:
Clicking the application opens the ADP integration side panel directly in the member experience:
User Login
- After selecting ADP for the first time, you'll be prompted to log in.
- Clicking LOGIN takes you to the ADP authentication screen:
- Enter your ID and password. These credentials are the same as those you use to log in to the main ADP app.
Once logged in, you are taken to the initial requested command or the main panel.
Available User Commands
The list of available commands will differ depending on the user's role within your community.
Current Pay Statement
Return current pay statements directly from the member experience. This query can be expanded:
- Show my current pay statement.
- Show my last paycheck.
- List my paychecks this year.
- List my paychecks this month.
My Time Off Requests
Return a list of time off requests to date. All time off types are returned, plus the status of each request.
My Time Off Summary
Return a summary of time off requests. Time off types are broken down into their own categories.
Request Time Off
Submit a time off request directly from the member experience.
Show my pay summary YTD
Return a pay summary year to date. This query can be expanded to show last year's paycheck.
Install and Configure ADP Integration
To complete these instructions, you must have access to ADP Marketplace (administrator level), an active community with Firstup, and a contract with Firstup for this premium feature.
To establish the connection between Firstup and your ADP instance:
- Log in to member experience and ADP Marketplace.
- Navigate to your member experience.
Member Experience
- Find the ADP app in the Command Center within your member experience. Select this app to open it.
- The side panel appears. The only command available is Setup ADP Integration. Select this to start:
- Note: You must be logged into ADP Marketplace before continuing with this step.
The Purchase command appears:
- Copy your Subscription Code.
- Click Purchase.
- Navigate to your ADP marketplace instance.
ADP Marketplace
- Select Buy Now from the Firstup Assistant Integration section:
- The Create Order tab opens. Enter 1 in the Total Users box, then Continue:
- The Product Custom Attributes tab opens. Enter or paste your Subscription code, then Continue.
- Enter your purchase and billing information in the Billing Details and Confirm Order tabs.
After the purchase is successful, you will see the Order receipt. - Navigate to the member experience.
Member Experience
- In the member experience, select Verify Purchase:
- Select Provide Consent:
- On the Consent Request screen, select Allow:
- You are taken back to the Assistant screen, which automatically refreshes. If this screen hasn't automatically refreshed, go to the Assistant tab and select Verify consent.
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