Customer Issue
We have noticed that some users are not being pulled into the correct audience and are therefore missing Campaigns.
- Creator Studio | People | Audiences
Issue Details
When a new set of attributes are sent over in a user file, there can occasionally be a delay in those changes being indexed and reflected in Studio. If an audience is built based on a specific attribute and that changes in the next user file and a Campaign is published just after that file has been sent, the changes may not yet have processed and the user is therefore not pulled into the audience in time to receive the Campaign.
Usually this will update fairly quickly after the file is sent, but if there are any delays that appear to be taking longer and you need assistance to get these attributes aligned quickly for an important Campaign, the Support team can manually force a reindex to fix this.
Please check the current status of this issue on the Known Issues Tracker. (Issue ID: CSUP-4154)
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