Use the Post Performance report in Insights to understand the engagement and audience on a single post.
Refer to the Glossary of Terms for more details on the metrics included in this report.
- Date Range - The date range of post data. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Content Id - This report is for individual posts. To load the report properly, select a post from this filter.
- Min Threshold View By X - This filter is applied to the ‘Usage Details’ data. It filters the data by the set number of minimum viewers. The number of viewers is filtered by the ‘View By’ filter.
- View By - This filter is applied to the 'Usage By Segment' and 'Usage Details' data. Display audience engagement by User Attributes, Time, Content Attributes, or Usage Attributes.
- Table Limit - This filter is applied to the 'Viewer Details' data and limits the number of table rows to the set value.
- Platform - This filter is applied to all data in this report. Display all content data by platform, i.e., Android, Email, etc.
User Attributes - Filter post data by specific user attributes. Ex. Filtering by 'City' will return data only for users in that city.
Limitation Note: When filtering by User Attributes > Select All, each attribute value is pulled into the URL once the report is filtered. Due to URL limitations, filtering by attributes with a very large number of values may return a 414 error.
Report Map
Here is a map of how to read the Post Performance report:
Engagement How much are people reacting to your content? Does your platform have content that encourages clicks, likes, shares, bookmarks, comments? Could you include stronger calls to action? |
Viewers How many people are seeing the content? Is this a good number relative to how you count your users? For example, relative to all employees? Or just employees on the mobile app? |
Opened How many of the users that saw the content wanted to know more? A view may be enough, especially for image posts. However, if this metric is lower than you'd like, is content targeted well? Enticing to click on? |
Liked How many people are saying "I like this content"? What kind of content would encourage likes? More user-submitted content? |
Usage by Segment, View By: Platform (default) Platform is the default, change the segment by using the View By filter. Where are employees engaging with content? Where engagement is low, what might explain the numbers? Does my content need to be adjusted to work better with a specific platform? |
Usage Details Use this table to help dig into the graph of By segment, ask: How many users are seeing our content? How many of the users that saw the content wanted to know more? As we publish more content, are viewers clicking on more content? |
Viewers with Activity by Hour of Day What time of day are your users active? Are your users engaging with the post when they want to (when they are normally active), or are they engaging when you publish the post? |
Viewers by Product Area Within the platform, where are users engaged? If the post was featured but users are not engaging on the featured tab, what does this tell you about your community? |
Post Details Reference this area for details about your post - who published it, when, the content type, etc. |
Viewer Details Who is engaging with this post? Are there individuals that you were expecting that are missing from this list? |
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