This article provides the current status of issues that we have committed to addressing, or have recently resolved. This tracker is restricted to issues that are known to affect Creator Studio. Issues that affect Classic Studio only should be tracked here. To submit your questions/issues to Support, please refer to our Support article.
Critical "SEV1 or SEV2" platform incidents are tracked on Platform incidents are tracked differently due to their business impact and urgency to resolve.
The timeline for issue resolution is subject to prioritization in alignment with our product roadmap and customer impact. For more information on the issues listed on this page, you can click on the 'KB Link'. When available, the linked Knowledge Base (KB) article includes additional technical detail and any known workarounds.
To follow a Known Issue article, click the follow button on an article. When you follow an article, you will receive an email notification whenever updates are made to it.
Note: enabling third-party cookies is required for the Known Issues Tracker to display as expected.
You can also contact Support, when you do please reference the 'Issue ID' if inquiring about a specific issue.