Note: This article only applies to Community Admins, Brand Super Admins, or applicable custom roles. For more details on Creator Studio access, please refer to the Defining Roles and Permissions article.
Terminating access to the member experience and Creator Studio completes the following:
- The user will become deactivated, which terminates their access to all parts of the community (web experience, mobile app, Creator Studio, etc.) and the user will no longer receive emails from the community.
- No notification is sent to the user regarding becoming deactivated.
- If a deactivated user tries to log in to the member experience, they will receive a message indicating their blocked status.
Web Experience
Mobile App Experience
The author for posts published by deactivated users will still display as their user name in both the web and mobile app. Clicking on their user name (in the web experience only) will still take you to the user's profile. And comments posted by deactivated users will still display their name as the author in both the web and mobile app.
Terminate Access to Creator Studio and Experience
Option 1: Deactivate Via Users Page
Individual users can be manually deactivated via the Users page in Creator Studio. Both Email Registration and SSO communities can leverage this option to cut off access for a user immediately.
On the Users page, hover over the three dots to the right of a user's name to select Deactivate User.
Option 2: Deactivate with File Via SFTP
One or more users can be deactivate using File via SFTP. This option is easy to automate. One advantage of using File via SFTP is that you can also re-activate users. File via SFTP can be used by both Email Registration and SSO communities.
To set up deactivation with File via SFTP, please talk to your Customer Success Manager.
For a user to be managed by the File via SFTP, they need to have been included and processed in a recent file. Users can be created in a few ways outside of the file:
- Admin-created in Creator Studio.
- User bulk import.
- End-user SSO sign-in.
Users created by any of the methods above who have never been included in a file are not managed by the file and should be deactivated via another method.
If your communities is using deactivating with file via SFTP now, you can contact Firstup Support to confirm your deactivation configuration and troubleshoot any issues.
Option 3: Deactivate via API Call
Users can be deactivated using the Deprovisioning API Call. Only one call can be issued per user, but your IT may be able to configure the Deprovisioning API Call to occur automatically via a script. There is no Reprovision API Call. Users that are deactivated via API call can only be re-activated manually.
To set up Deprovisioning API Calls, please reach out to your Customer SuccessManager.
If you are already sending Deprovisioning API Calls, then you can contact Firstup Support to troubleshoot any issues such as unfamiliar errors or unexpected behavior.
SSO Note
For communities configured to have users register and sign in via SSO, removing a user from your Identify Provider (IdP, sometimes referred to as AD) will NOT terminate access to your community. To terminate access to the experience and Creator Studio, SSO users must be deactivated with Firstup.
The user must be deactivated with Firstup because Firstup only communicates with your IdP when the user signs in to the platform. After successful authentication users can remain signed in for 30 days or more. Therefore, if access is only terminated within the IdP then users may continue to have access for 30 days or more.
Most SSO communities prefer to script Deprovisioning API calls, but can leverage any one of the 3 options outlined above.
Terminate Access to Creator Studio Only
You can demote any Creator Studio user to Member without terminating their member experience access by manually demoting their role.
- Sign in to Creator Studio and navigate to the People page.
- Find the user on the Users page. You can use search or filters.
- Click on the user or hover over the three vertical dots to the right of the user's name and select View.
- Under Role, select Member.
- Click Save.
Demoted users do not receive an email.
If a user is currently deactivated and you want to re-grant access to Creator Studio and/or the member experience, click on the three dots to the right of a user's name and select Activate. This will restore the user to the same Experience Status that the user had before being deactivated (Created, Registering, Registered, etc.), as well as restore their Creator Studio access (if they had a Creator Studio-level role).
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