Note: This article only applies to Community Admins, Brand Super Admins, or applicable custom roles. For more details on Creator Studio access, please refer to the Defining Roles and Permissions article.
Experience Registration Status
A user's experience status indicates the user's current registration status in the member experience (mobile app and web experience) and can be found on the user details page for each user. Note that there is no registration status for Creator Studio.
- Created - Added to the community's list of users, but the user has not started to register in the member experience yet.
- Blocked (Deactivated) - Access to both Creator Studio and the member experience (web and mobile) has been terminated.
- Invited - Invitation to register for the member experience has been sent to the user.
- Registering - Started to register but has not completed registration yet. Depending on the community, the user may be able to see public content (shareable content open to all users). Depending on how your community is configured, you may not see custom attributes for a user until they are fully Registered.
- Registered - Completed registration and can fully access the member experience, including the ability to share content.
Who Can Access Your Member Experience
New members can find your community via the app stores or links that your company has shared directly with users. They can also be imported and then invited from Creator Studio. Some users may also discover your community via Invite A Colleague links.
Therefore, controlling who can complete registration requires configuring your community's authentication options. (Refer to Authentication Options.)
Once a member's email or universal identifier is in the community (either via import or they registered), you can cut off access for that particular user by deactivating them.
Who Can Receive Notifications
Users that have any experience status other than Blocked (Deactivated) can receive campaign notifications. Email can be sent to users with any experience status other than Blocked (Deactivated). And push and Assistant notifications can be sent to users with an experience status of Registering or Registered. This means that a user does not need to be fully registered to receive a campaign notification.
Who Can Sign in to Creator Studio
In contrast to the member experience, Creator Studio can only be accessed by individuals that have been explicitly granted permission via a Community Role that would allow Creator Studio access. The error message "The user does not have a sufficient role to access this application" will appear if a member tries to access Creator Studio.
In order to grant access to Creator Studio, the user must appear on the Users page. Therefore, there are different steps to take if the user you want to grant permission to is a new user or an existing user.
Access to Creator Studio can be terminated at any time by demoting a Creator Studio-level user to Member.
Note: Creator Studio invitations are only triggered the first time a user is promoted from Member to a Creator Studio-level role. The 'Send Invite' button in Creator Studio will only trigger member experience invitations, not Creator Studio invitations. If a user is unable to locate their Creator Studio invitation, they can click Forgot Password on the Creator Studio sign-in page to trigger a password reset email.
View, Edit and Update Users
The Users page allows you to view and update both new and existing users:
- Sign in to Creator Studio.
- Navigate to the People page.
- Select Users.
- Click on a user to view their user details.
Here, you can view a user's status:
- 90-day activity - 90-day activity refers to the count of user engagement via desktop, email, microapp, and mobile over the past 90 days.
- Avg session length - The average length of the user's visits to either member experience or Creator Studio.
- Posts - The total number of posts the user has created. Note any created posts that are in a topic assigned to a specific audience are not included in this metric.
- Created - The date of when the user was created.
- Last active - The date of the user's last activity in either member experience or Creator Studio.
- Preferred channel - This channel has the most activity on the user's page. The activity is calculated from the previous 90 days. Activity is an engagement event.
You can also edit and update a user:
- Send invite - Grant Creator Studio access to an existing user.
- Reset password - Reset a user's password.
- Deactivate - Terminate user access to both Creator Studio and the member experience (web and mobile). Refer here for details on re-activating users.
- Forget User (GDPR) - Completely erase the user's data from the platform to comply with the EU's GDPR compliance.
- Export user data (GDPR) - Export the user's data to comply with the EU's GDPR compliance.
- Confirm User - Admins can use this option to add a user's universal identifier for users in a registering state (awaiting user verification) to register and merge their user accounts.
- Reset profile picture - Delete the user's current profile picture and replace it with the default avatar image.
Grant Creator Studio Access to a New User
If the user does not have an account with your community, you can either manually add them to the community or import them.
- Added users are automatically sent an invitation to Creator Studio - they can follow the link in the invitation to create a password.
- Imported Creator Studio users can be invited to Creator Studio via invitations. (Refer to this article on invitations.)
- Alternatively, once added to the community with a Creator Studio-level role, Creator Studio users can go straight to Creator Studio and click Forgot Password to trigger a password reset email. Once they set a password, they can sign in to Creator Studio. Note: Password reset links will only be valid for 24 hours from the time the email is generated.
Grant Creator Studio Access to an Existing User
If the user already has an account with your community, you can click on View to change their role.
Note: Only Brand Super Admins can assign roles and permissions.
- Sign in to Creator Studio.
- Navigate to the People page.
- Select Users.
- Find the user on the Users page. You can use search or filters.
- Click on the user or hover over the three vertical dots to the right of the user's name and select View.
- Under Role, select the role that you want to grant the user and assign any permissions (topic, audience, etc.).
- Click Save.
If the user is promoted from Member to a role with access to Creator Studio, they will receive an automated email invite to join Creator Studio which states who invited them and gives them a link to Studio.
If they already have an email-based password for the member experience, they can sign in to Creator Studio now. If they do not have an email-based password, they must create one using the invitation to Creator Studio or using Creator Studio's "forgot password" option.
Reset Password For Another User
Note: This Reset Password feature is not available for communities that have SSO sign-in enabled. Most SSO sign-in issues must be resolved by your internal IT team, as outlined in this Classic Studio article about SSO sign-in issues.
Creator Studio users with the Community Admin or Brand Super Admin role can reset the password of any activated user by clicking the Reset Password link from within the user's profile. The link will not be visible for deactivated users.
- Sign in to Creator Studio and navigate to the People page.
- Select Users.
- Find the user on the Users page. You can use search or filters.
- Click on the user or hover over the three vertical dots to the right of the user's name and select View.
- Click Reset Password.
- Copy the unique URL and send the link to the user requesting the password reset.
This link will be valid for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the link will expire and you will need to request a new link. Clicking the Reset Password link multiple times will also invalidate any older links that have been created.
The password reset link is for both member experience and Creator Studio accounts (if the user has a role with access to Creator Studio).
Re-activate and Re-Promote
If a user is currently deactivated and you want to re-grant access to Creator Studio and/or the member experience, click on the three dots to the right of a user's name and select Activate. This will restore the user to the same Experience Status that the user had before being Deactivated (Created, Registering, Registered, etc.), as well as restore their Creator Studio access (if they had a Creator Studio-level role).
To restore Creator Studio access, you must edit the user's role back to a Creator Studio-level role. See "Grant Creator Studio Access to An Existing User" above.
For visual learners, check out our video on how to assign roles and permissions.
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