Allowlisting emails from Firstup will help avoid emails that are lost in quarantine, mis-identified as junk or spam, or flagged with red banners about "external, untrusted content", etc.
Note: This article only pertains to emails from Firstup. When using custom from addresses, please refer to Make Firstup a Trusted Sender to prevent domain impersonation issues. Allowlisting emails from Firstup does not prevent domain impersonation issues.
Successful email delivery will drive adoption and engagement for all communities regardless of authentication choice or content strategy. Allowlisting Firstup emails will also enable our team to support you and your end users. Here is a sample of the emails that might be impacted if you do not allowlist emails from Firstup:
- Campaigns
- Newsletters
- User submission notifications to Studio users
- Invitations for Members
- Invitations to Studio for new Studio users
- Password resets for users that sign in via email
- Direct emails from Firstup staff including Support, Customer Success Managers, Strategic Advisors, and others
This allowlisting step is recommended even if you configure a default <custom from address> because most email servers will still detect the original sender as Firstup.
Please work with the internal technology team that handles email security to allowlist or create an SPF record for the following domain and IP addresses that are associated with emails from Firstup:
If you are not able to allowlist by domain, you can allowlist the following IP addresses instead of * We strongly recommend still allowlisting (we cannot provide IP addresses for
Note, these are dedicated IP addresses. Therefore, allowlisting only these addresses on your email servers would allow emails from Firstup to be received from SendGrid but would not open you up to any SendGrid emails from other sources.
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