When navigating the redesigned Creator Studio, use this as a reference guide to help differentiate between classic and new terms.
Classic Studio Term | Creator Studio Term | Notes |
Analyze | Insights | The Insights area provides tracking metrics for the performance of your community. |
Blocked | Deactivated | When a user is deactivated in Creator Studio, their access to all parts of the community (web experience, mobile app, Creator Studio, etc.) is terminated and the user will no longer receive emails from the community. |
Channel | Topic | Topics organize content for users. Topics help users discover relevant content and form their own personalized feed by following their topics of interest. |
Classic Studio | Creator Studio | Creator Studio is what you will hear your publishing platform referred to as. You may also hear it referenced as "redesigned Studio", "new Studio", or "updated Studio" when distinguishing between the previous version (Classic Studio) and the current (Creator Studio). |
Content Type | Block | Blocks are the components that make up a campaign's content. Blocks are combinations of different types of assets (images, videos, polls, attachments, text) with a particular layout. |
Elements | Library | The Library consists of a collection of visual templates that are available for your community. |
Endpoint | Channel | Channels are where you receive your information, such as the web experience, microapps, or email. |
Group | Audience | Your Audience is a subset, or segment, of all your users. Audiences are created by grouping users' attributes, such as their registration status, last active date, department, role, or location. |
Post | Campaign | Campaign refers to an orchestrated post published to your channel/s. |
Program | Community | Community refers to your Firstup communications platform. This includes Creator Studio, as well as the web and mobile app experiences. |
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