Hello Content Publisher, welcome to Firstup!
Use this guide as a starting point to explore the tools that are open to you as a Content Publisher. As a Content Publisher, you have content creation, editing, and publishing power that is restricted to content in your "assigned" topics and audiences. You may be assigned to one or more topics and audiences, and the assignment is managed by the Brand Super Admins of your community.
You can submit content from the mobile app to your assigned topics and audiences and the content is immediately published.
You also have the ability to sign in to Creator Studio itself (the tool where all content for your community is managed) and manage content in your assigned topics and audiences, as well as view a limited subset of scoped Insights reports specific to your campaigns.
Access to Creator Studio opens up some more advanced tools such as templates, and reviewing content submitted by other users. Check out the links below for more details!
Check out to this video on how to use Creator Studio as a Content Publisher!
Reading Material
Create Content in the Mobile App or Web Experience
Create Content in Creator Studio
Next Level Skills
These features are available to all Content Publishers:
- Calendar Page - plan ahead and review metrics
And these articles are useful if your topic is configured to receive user-submitted content or feed content. Your Brand Super Admin manages the topic configurations, but you can approve (or reject) content submitted to your topics.
My topic is not available when I try to submit content from the mobile app or web experience? I can’t see my topic under Explore?
All users, including Content Publishers and other Creator Studio users, can only see targeted topics and content in the member experience if they are part of the targeting. Please reach out to your Brand Super Admin for assistance with being added to the targeting for your topic.
Why can't I find a campaign that I created in Creator Studio?
If the campaign has been edited by another Creator Studio user to be in a topic you are not assigned, then you will no longer be able to see the campaign in Creator Studio. Please reach out to your Brand Super Admin to confirm what should be done with the campaign.
Why can’t I edit a campaign in my topic?
If the campaign is cross-published (i.e. it is targeted to more than one topic) and you don’t have access to one of the cross-published topics, then you cannot edit the campaign. Please reach out to a Brand Super Admin for assistance with editing campaigns that are published to topics that you are not assigned.
How do I change my topic name, topic targeting, or change what is automatically published?
Only your Brand Super Admin can modify your topic configuration. Please reach out to your Brand Super Admin to request any changes to your topic.
Can I be notified to review user-generated content in my topic?
You are able to receive an email notification any time content is submitted to your topic(s) if content submission notifications are enabled. These notifications are sent from tech@firstup.io to the email address associated with your Creator Studio account.
To enable content submission notifications, you will require a relevant role in Classic Studio: Enable Content Submission Notifications
Additional Resources
To dive deeper into what's available to Content Publishers, we encourage you to check out the following courses in the Firstup Training Center:
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