This article reviews how to create and manage campaigns in Creator Studio that require acknowledgment.
If your community would like to ensure users have seen a campaign, requiring acknowledgment in Deliver is a great option. This setting can be enabled for employee handbooks, company policy updates, security briefs, etc.
Require Acknowledgment
Any Creator Studio user who has access to create campaigns can require an acknowledgment for a campaign. The Acknowledge setting is available for all content types.
If the acknowledge setting is enabled after a campaign has been published, an acknowledge button and message will appear in the member experience. If the acknowledge button label is modified after a campaign has been published, the new acknowledge button label will appear in the member experience.
Campaigns cannot be acknowledged directly in the email. They must be acknowledged in the member experience. It's also important to note that, without access to the member experience, Email-Only users will only be able to acknowledge campaigns if they contain a video or a link to pre-existing content, both of which will open in web lite. Please see Email Best Practices for call-to-action workarounds, including options for Email-Only communities.
Note: If acknowledgment is required and Automatic Retargeting is enabled, the user can be retargeted if they have viewed but not acknowledged the campaign. However, depending on competing campaigns and priorities, retargeting is not guaranteed. Retargeting can occur via email, push, or Notification Center.
While managing the Content Settings on the Deliver page for a campaign in Creator Studio, check the checkbox next to Require acknowledgment. Requiring acknowledgment will make an Acknowledge button appear on campaigns, and any retargeting attempts will be sent only if the user has not acknowledged the campaign.
Note: Due to privacy concerns, content requiring acknowledgment cannot be made shareable.
If you want to feature content requiring acknowledgment, be sure to create a custom Featured label indicating that the post requires action. Otherwise, a default label of "Featured" will be used.
Member experience example
Remove Acknowledge Requirement
You can remove the acknowledge requirement from a campaign by editing the campaign in Creator Studio, unchecking the checkbox next to Require acknowledgment, and saving the changes.
Once the acknowledgment requirement has been removed, the acknowledge button and message will disappear from the member experience, but data will be retained for admins.
What Members See
Content requiring acknowledgment will appear in the member experience under a content card labeled with Action required. Clicking/tapping on the content card will open a new view where the content can be viewed and acknowledged. Clicking/tapping the Acknowledge button will then mark the content as Acknowledged. If the content has been featured, the post will exist within the Featured section with whichever label was selected or created for the featured post.
Note: If a campaign requiring acknowledgment is published to a topic today, and then a new user registers tomorrow and follows the topic, the new user will be able to see the post in the topic. However, the acknowledge button will be missing. An update to the campaign would enable the acknowledge button for that user.
Web Experience
Mobile App
Content requiring acknowledgment will appear in email similar to how it appears in the web experience or mobile app experience, depending on where you are checking your email. Users will not be able to acknowledge directly in the email. Refer to Email Best Practices for workaround options.
Email Best Practices
Since, campaigns cannot be acknowledged directly in the email, the following workarounds can be implemented to ensure users are aware of the Acknowledge requirement and to provide a clear call to action.
Direct Link to Campaign
Including a direct link to the post in the member experience (or web lite for Email-Only) within the email campaign enhances the clarity of the 'Acknowledge' call to action. By clicking or tapping the link, users will be directed to the campaign within their member experience, where they can easily mark the content as 'Acknowledged'.
- Hover over the campaign where you want to add the link block and click the + sign.
- From the Links block category, select the "Open in web experience to view" block and then click Select Blocks.
- Click into the link block to edit the link text. Example text could include "Open in web experience to acknowledge" or "Open in web lite to acknowledge" (for Email-Only communities).
Click on the Stylize palette icon to edit the design of the link block, including font size and color.
- To preview the link block in email, click the Preview icon and select the email channel.
- Once published, users who receive the email campaign can click/tap the link in the email campaign to acknowledge the content in the member experience. Login may be required if not already logged in.
Note: Tapping the link via email in mobile will redirect the user to the mobile app (if installed) or the mobile browser (if not installed). Login may be required if not already logged in.
Link Button
Adding a button in the email campaign that links to the post within the member experience serves the same purpose as a direct link, enhancing the clarity of the 'Acknowledge' call to action. The choice between a button and a direct link is simply a matter of preference. Clicking or tapping the button will not automatically acknowledge the campaign; it will only open the campaign in the member experience, where users can then mark the content as 'Acknowledged'.
- Hover over the campaign where you want to add the link button and click the + sign.
- From the Links block category, select the "Button" block and then click Select Blocks.
- Click on the Stylize palette icon and then the Content tab to edit the button text and link.
- Click into the Text field to add the button text.
- There are hacks to retrieve links for unpublished campaigns.
Communities with member experience access:
Log in to the member experience, click on any post, and copy the URL up to the content ID:
Email-Only communities:
Open any piece of linked email content in web lite, and copy the URL up to the content ID:
Back in Creator Studio, paste the URL into the Link field, copy the content ID from the Creator Studio URL, and paste the content ID at the end of the URL in the Link field:
- Under the Design tab, you can edit the button block design, such as font size and color, as well as button color and rounding.
- Under the Section tab, you can choose which channels you want this block to appear in your campaign. If you only want this button to appear in email, deselect the other options.
- To preview the button block in email, click the Preview icon and select the email channel.
- Once published, users who receive the email campaign can click/tap the button in the email campaign to acknowledge the content in the member experience. Login may be required if not already logged in.
Note: Tapping the button via email in mobile will redirect the user to the mobile app (if installed) or the mobile browser (if not installed). Login may be required if not already logged in.
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