Use the Community Overview report in Insights to understand how a collection of content across multiple campaigns is being consumed by your users in your community. This report includes centralized reporting for community health for initiatives, topics, and viewers.
To learn more about the metrics in this report, please refer to the Glossary of Terms, as well as the Metrics Update 2023 article.
Note: This article is based on the most up-to-date versions. If you have opted out of the latest available Insights reports you may have different default filters and report map.
Default Filters
- Date Range - The date range of campaign data. This filter is applied to all data in this report and restricts the displayed data.
- Topics - Filter data by selected topics. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Initiatives - Filter the data by initiatives. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Publisher - Filter campaign data by the user who created content. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Author Alias - Filter campaign data by the selected author alias from the campaign delivery. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Published Date Range - The date range for when campaigns were published. This filter is applied to all data in this report and restricts the displayed data.
- View By - This filter is applied to the 'Reached Users Breakdown' and the 'Engagement Breakdown' data. Display this data by User Attributes, Time, Content Attributes, or Usage Attributes.
- Content Type - This filter is applied to all data in this report and displays data by content type, such as articles only or articles with images.
- Platform - This filter is applied to all data in this report and displays data by platform, such as Android or Email.
All Filters
- All Filters > Content - Filter data by a specific campaign. This filter is applied to all data in this report. Only data from the set 'Date Range' will be displayed.
- All Filters > Content Source Type - Filter data by a content source type. Ex. Filtering by 'RSS' will return community activity data with campaigns from an RSS feed.
- All Filters > Is Featured - Filter data by featured content (in Delivery) only.
- All Filters > Is Promoted - Filter data by promoted content (in Delivery) only.
- All Filters > Is Sharable - Filter data by sharable content only. Note any impressionable data only includes user impressions in the Firstup platform.
- All Filters > Table Limit - This filter is applied to the 'Top Posts' and the 'Total Activity By Reached User' data and limits the number of table rows to the set value.
All Filters > User Attributes - Filter data by specific user attributes. Ex. Filtering by 'City' will return data only for users in that city.
Limitation Note: When filtering by User Attributes > Select All, each attribute value is pulled into the URL once the report is filtered. Due to URL limitations, filtering by attributes with a very large number of values may return a 414 error.
Report Map
Here is a map of how to read the Community Overview report:
Reached Users Unique users who saw at least one post. This metric does not include reached users for any posts shared externally. How many users had an impression for the campaigns in the date range? Use this number to provide context to other engagement numbers on this report. |
% Opened Users Percentage of reached users who opened at least one post What percentage of the reached users who saw your campaigns were interested enough to open the full view? Is this a healthy percentage for your community?
Posts with Impressions The number of posts with impressions in the date range selected Use the Publish Date filter to limit this report to only posts published during a given period. How many of your posts are receiving impressions in the date range selected? Compare post impressions to opens in the Content Funnel graphs to determine the success of impressions generating opens.
Avg Posts Opened Average number of posts each reached user opened Is this a good number? How can you repeat the success of high opens/ engagement or avoid a repeat of low opens/engagement? |
Content Funnel (Bars) A measure of the unique impressions/opens/engagements the campaigns generated in the date range selected Compare the unique counts of impressions/opens/engagements. Ideally, you want these numbers to be close. Meaning that previews lead to opens and opens are leading to engagement. If impressions are high but opens are low, what can you do to encourage more opens? If engagement is low, how can you make your content more engaging? Could you prompt users to like, comment, or bookmark? Consider content that naturally invites community engagement, like asking for personal stories, joining a movement (by liking/bookmarking), etc.
Content Funnel (Trends) Total campaign impressions/opens over time Of the users who previewed the content, how many opened it in full view? Are you designing content that invites opens? If you create a lot of single-image blocks, users may not feel compelled to click. However, if you have a lot of multi-block content, consider whether or not your cover card invites them to click to read or see more.
Content Funnel (By Category) Unique users who previewed the posts Use this table to help dig into the overall metrics for content on various platforms. By campaign, ask:
Note: iOS, Android, and Push are grouped into the 'Mobile' category. Notification Center is included in 'Other'. |
Reached Users Breakdown Segments correspond to the selection chosen in the ‘View by’ filter Use the 'View By' filter to understand your reached users vs. opens over time, location, platform, or other. |
Engagement Breakdown More details on usage and engagement by selected segments Use the ‘View By’ filter to understand your reached users vs. opens over time, location, platform, or other. By day/location/time zone, etc., how many users who saw your campaigns actually opened the campaigns in full view? You want the opens to be close to the number of users who saw the content. |
Content Engagement Trend See the distribution of engagement across your posts Where is your highest engagement percent falling? You want the posts and reached users numbers to be the highest in the highest engagement percent buckets. |
Content Engagement Details More details on content by engagement This is another view of Content Engagement Trend graph, bus also includes the average posts opened and likes for the users reached. You want these numbers to be higher on the highest engagement row.
Content Metrics A measure of various impressions for the date range selected Which type of content has the most impressions? What type of content is most successful in your community? |
Content Activity A measure of types of activity for the date range selected. Which type of engagement produces the highest amount of impressions? |
Top Posts Current activity sorted by the greatest number of reached users in the date range selected Click on a column heading to sort the table by different criteria. Which campaigns reached the most users? And of those campaigns, which campaigns then generated the most opens and engagement? Why did a campaign that reached a lot of users not generate enough interest for users to open?
Total Activity by Reached User List of reached users for posts and associated activity in the date range selected. *If this tile is not visible, your community has disabled viewer-level reporting. Click on a column heading to sort the table by different criteria. At the user level, track engagement. Who are your most engaged employees? Who is the least engaged, and what could you do to engage them? Were they targeted appropriately, with content relevant to them? Do they need to be reached via a different channel (such as email vs. push)? |
Latest Comments List of comments left by members in order of date and time stamp. |
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