Use the Campaign Delivery report in Insights to get a detailed look at the channel delivery funnel for a single Creator Studio campaign.
To learn more about the metrics in this report, please refer to the Glossary of Terms, as well as the Metrics Update 2023 article.
Note: This article is based on the most up-to-date versions. If you have opted out of the latest available Insights reports you may have different default filters and report map.
Default Filters
- Date Range - The date of activity. This filter restricts both the available campaigns and the displayed engagement data. It is applied to all data in this report.
- View Time By - This filter is applied to the 'Unique Activity by Timeframe' data.
- Table Limit - This filter affects the number of rows visible for the 'Total Activity By User' data. To ensure you are viewing the entire scope of the delivery for campaigns, we recommend increasing the table limit so all deliveries are visible within the total activity table.
- Initiatives - Display activity by delivered initiatives. This filter is applied to all data in this report.
- Platform - This filter is applied to all data in this report. Display data by Platform, i.e., Android, Email, etc.
All Filters
- All Filters > User Attributes - Filter campaign delivery data by specific user attributes. Ex. Filtering by 'City' will return data only for users in that city.
All Filters > Content ID - Filter campaign delivery data by a specific campaign. This filter is applied to all data in this report. Only campaign data from the set 'Date Range' will be displayed.
Limitation Note: When filtering by User Attributes > Select All, each attribute value is pulled into the URL once the report is filtered. Due to URL limitations, filtering by attributes with a very large number of values may return a 414 error.
Report Map
Here is a map of how to read the Campaign Delivery report. Please note that the ‘Date Range’ filter refers to the date of activity.
Emails Delivered Unique users with an email delivered within the selected date range This will give you an idea of the total number of campaigns that are being delivered in a given time frame via email. Is this number within your target? Compare this number to the Email Open Rate and Email CTR. Is this a successful delivery channel for your community?
Assistant Notif Delivered Unique users who had an Assistant notification delivered to them within the selected date range This will give you an idea of the total number of campaigns that are being delivered via Assistant in a given time frame via email. Is this number within your target? Compare this number to opens in the Unique Activity by Timeframe table. Is this a successful delivery channel for your community?
Push Sent Unique users who were sent a push notification within the selected date range This will give you an idea of the total number of campaigns that are being delivered via push in a given time frame via email. Is this number within your target? Compare this number to the Push Open Rate. Is this a successful delivery channel for your community?
Email Open Rate The percentage of emails opened of those that were delivered You want this percentage to be high. Are users opening your content? If not, why? Do you need more captivating subject lines or descriptions?
Email CTR (Click-Through Rate) The percentage of emails clicked of those that were delivered Are users clicking through to the content? If not, what could you do to make your emails more engaging?
Push Open Rate A unique measurement of the percentage of push notifications sent that were opened by users, leading to a redirect to the mobile app This is the push click-through rate. You want this percentage to be high. Are users consuming content via this channel? If not, why? Should you re-evaluate push as a channel option for your community?
Delivery Details An overview of general campaign information Is this creator creating content that is being opened and engaged with? Which author alias are they using? Is the title clear and interesting? |
Unique Activity by Timeframe A measure of daily campaign activity for the date range selected How many unique actions/and what actions were taken on the campaign? Which days are the most notifications being delivered and engaged with? |
Total Activity by User A measure of activity at the individual user level Which channels are your users consuming content on the most? Were they targeted appropriately, with content relevant to them? Do they need to be reached via a different channel (such as email vs. push)? |
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