Use the Search Overview report in Insights to get a detailed look at what content and resources your users are looking for. These insights can help guide your content and resources strategy.
To learn more about the metrics in this report, please refer to the Glossary of Terms, as well as the Metrics Update 2023 article.
- Date Range - The date of search activity. This filter is applied to all data in this report and restricts the displayed engagement data.
- View By - This filter affects the 'Usage by Segments' data. View campaign search activity by User Attributes or Time.
User Attributes - Filter search data by specific user attributes. Ex. Filtering by 'City' will return data only for users in that city.
Limitation Note: When filtering by User Attributes > Select All, each attribute value is pulled into the URL once the report is filtered. Due to URL limitations, filtering by attributes with a very large number of values may return a 414 error.
Report Map
Here is a map of how to read the Search Overview report. The ‘Date Range’ filter refers to the date of activity.
Searchers The number of unique users who performed one or more searches. This gives you an idea of your content and resource visibility. High searcher rates could indicate hidden content or resources, or a cluttered landing page. |
Total Searches The number of searches performed. How often are users using the search function? |
Avg Searches / Searcher The average number of searches performed by users. Does a high average suggest users are not finding content? Compare this number to unique search terms to find patterns of searching with similar words. |
Unique Search Terms Terms used to search with. This lists what users are searching for. High numbers of searchers or volume suggest important content or resources need easier access. Similar search terms suggest users can't find specific content. |
Keywords (Bar chart) A detailed look at single words from unique search terms. Keywords with high search volume and number of searchers suggest users frequently search for specific content or resources that aren't immediately available to them. |
Search Keywords by Volume (Table) A table representation of the Keywords graph. |
Unique Search Terms (Bar chart) A detailed look at terms used to search with. Search terms can provide insight into what content is missing or not engaging users. Do you need to rename headers or reposition content to catch the eye? |
Unique Search Terms (Table) A table representation of the Unique Search Terms graph. |
Usage by Segment (Bar chart) A look at search trends. This table shows the number of searches and searches within your selected view by filter. You can use this to, for example, find out if a new content strategy, content layout, or any changes to your content have improved accessibility and engagement by comparing search volumes to previous date ranges with your previous content version. Or, you can change the filter to compare data by department or location. Do certain departments not find specific resources or content? |
Usage by Segment (Table) A table representation of the Usage by Segment graph. |
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