Members can submit posts from the member experience using Submit Post. Posts can then be reviewed via Creator Studio or the mobile app experience. When submitting content from the mobile app or web experience, users must select at least one topic for the post to appear under.
Content that is Auto-Published vs. Needs Review
When a Member submits a post, the post will either be published immediately or require approval by a Creator Studio user. This auto-publish vs needs review state depends on the topics that the user chooses for their post.
To review how to configure a topic for auto-publish of submitted content, please refer to the article for creating and editing topics.
When the user submits a post to one or more topics that all have auto-publish enabled, then the post will publish immediately. In other words, the content will automatically have the published status in Creator Studio and appear in the member experience under the selected topics.
When the user submits a post to one or more topics that all have auto-publish disabled, then the post will appear in Creator Studio as needing review. Currently, posts can be reviewed via Creator Studio or the mobile app experience. Brand Super Admins and any Creator Studio user with publishing permissions are able to approve/publish or reject (and archive) user-generated content if they have access to ALL of the assigned audiences and/or topics for the content.
One exception to auto-publish is if a post is submitted to a topic with auto-publish enabled and to a topic with auto-publish disabled. The post will appear under Needs Review and need to be approved. Once approved, the post will be published to both topics.
The post must have a Title in order for it to be published, otherwise the Publish button will be greyed out.
Default Publish Settings
If sharing is enabled for your community, member-submitted link posts are automatically made shareable. While members cannot see the shareable toggle for any post type, a Creator Studio publisher can edit the shareable setting for any post type (except for notes) at any time.
When a user submits any content type, the Commentable setting is toggled ON by default. A Creator Studio user with publishing access can edit this setting at any time.
Note: If you want Commentable toggled OFF by default for user-generated content or have commenting disabled for your entire community, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
User-Generated Images and Videos
When including images in a post, we support JPG or PNG formats with a file size of up to 10 MB. We recommend a 16:9 image ratio, at least 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall.
Depending on your community, there may be a video size limit of 300MB for user-generated content.
User-generated images and videos can be downloaded directly from Creator Studio. This empowers the Creator Studio user to edit as necessary (such as cropping or resizing).
While editing a post, click download image or download video. This will prompt the file to download directly in your web browser.
Multiple Images
Members can upload multiple images at a time. These images will appear as an image carousel in the post.
Note: The image carousel has a limit of 10 images and a limit of 10MB per image.
Banned Terms
Member-submitted posts are subject to banned terms auto-moderation.
Best Practices
Publish content from a variety of users in your community. Some users may get discouraged from submitting content if they see the same person submitting content.
If you're noticing that a lot of your users are submitting content that's not relevant, appropriate, or company-approved, make sure you communicate with yours users the type of content that is approved and what types of content you're looking for.
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