On the Campaigns page, users can edit or publish campaigns, manage items that need review, and access campaign-specific metrics.
Note: The campaigns displayed will depend on user role and permissions.
Access the Campaigns Page
Open the Campaigns page by navigating to Campaigns on the left-hand menu in Creator Studio.
Status Tabs
Move through the different campaign status tabs to see your campaigns and metrics. The campaigns you are able to view and the actions you are able to take will depend on your role and permissions.
From any tab on the Campaigns page, you can click on a campaign to launch the full editor.
- Sent - the only campaigns in your community that are visible to members in the member experience or email.
- Scheduled - campaigns that are scheduled to move to sent at a specific time in the future.
- Draft - not visible to members, though depending on user role and permissions, some Creator Studio users can edit and publish drafted campaigns.
- Needs Review - external content, either generated by users or pulled in via a feed, that requires approval before moving to published.
- Archived - archived content no longer appears to members.
Isolate the campaigns that you want to view using filters for Topics, Content Type, Studio Version, Initiatives, Author, and Creator.
Note: The Author filter refers to the author alias selected on the Deliver page. The Creator filter refers to who actually created the campaign.
The filters bar will display by default at the top of any tab. Use All Filters to expand your filter options with additional details such as Deliver features (Featured, Shareable, Commentable, Resources), campaign source, and/or flagged comments.
Selected items within filters will appear at the top of the list, so you can see which filters you currently have active.
When you have items selected, you will also see Clear at the bottom of the filter. Click this link to clear a single filter without removing your other filters.
Filters applied to one tab will apply to other tabs. For example, you can apply filters on the Sent tab and those filters will also apply on the Archive tab.
Sent tab
Archive tab
Search is available from any tab on the Campaigns page, however, results are restricted to each tab.
Click into the search box, type in your text, and select any filters. Search will look at the title and description fields across all content cards to filter results. Note that search is sensitive to word order and has no wild cards. Results will automatically populate below.
Bulk Archive/Publish
You can publish or archive multiple campaigns at once. While on the Calendar page, under any tab, select the checkboxes next to the campaigns you want to publish or archive, or the top checkbox to select all campaigns under the tab.
Click on the Status menu. Select either Publish or Archive from the dropdown. You will be prompted to confirm your selection. Published campaigns will now appear under the Sent tab and archived campaigns will appear under the Archive tab.
Campaigns Page Metrics
Campaign-specific metrics previews are displayed by hovering over the campaign viewer count.
Note: Delivery preview metrics are updated close to real-time and reach/engagement preview metrics are subject to the same delays as Insights reports.
The campaign metrics preview includes reach/engagement metrics such as viewer count, engagement rate, and content interactions (Clicks, Likes, etc.). The preview also includes channel delivery metrics (if an audience was selected). Click-through access to the Campaign Performance and Campaign Delivery reports, as well as Video Performance and Poll Performance reports, if applicable, is also available in the preview.
See the Glossary of Terms for exact definitions of the metrics available in these reports.
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