User-generated content that requires approval before being published can be seen by filtering the Campaigns page or by selecting the Click Here link in a Content Submission Notification email. Creator Studio users can then approve the content by publishing the post or reject the content by archiving the post. Brand Super Admins and any Creator Studio user with publishing permissions are able to approve/publish or reject (and archive) the content if they have access to ALL of the assigned audiences and/or topics for the content.
How to Review User-Generated Content
Open the Campaigns page by selecting Campaigns from the menu on the left in Creator Studio.
Click on the Needs Review tab.
The newest submitted posts will appear at the top, with older posts below. All submitted posts will include the topic they were submitted to.
Isolate the content further using search or additional filters such as Topics, Author, Content Type, Sources, and more.
Publish - Click on the post to enter the full page editor to make small edits, such as the title, description, author, topics, and initiatives. You can also download and replace the image, toggle publish settings, etc. Save your changes (this will save the post as a draft) or publish the changes.
Note: Team aliases can only be used for content created in Creator Studio. As a result, team aliases will not be available via the author drop-down for user-generated content.
Archive, Duplicate, or Delete Content
Click the three vertical dots to the right of the post. You can then select Edit, Archive, Duplicate or Delete. Deleting a post will remove the post permanently.
Archiving a post will move the post to the Archived tab, where it can be unarchived if needed.
Duplicating a post will move the post to the Draft tab, where it can be edited, archived, duplicated, deleted, or published.
Bulk Publish or Archive
To bulk publish or archive posts, select the checkboxes next to the posts or select the top checkbox to select all posts. Click the Status dropdown menu and select your option.
You will be asked to confirm your selection for the bulk change.
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